Hello, I'm Gloria Neo.

Data scientist with a design background, passionate about #dataforgood, to drive meaningful business outcomes while creating a positive impact on the world. Let's connect!

Singapore Sign Language Recognition through Computer Vision

DSI-38 Capstone Project - A computer vision project exploring image classification and object detection to perform alphabet-level sign interpretation.

ComputerVision DataAugmentation TransferLearning Tensorflow Keras YOLO EfficientNet Inception MobileNet Streamlit Deployment

Singapore Dengue Case Prediction

DSI-38 Project 4 – Developed a dengue prediction model involving a 12-week prediction window, and subsequently performing Cost-Benefit Analysis of Wolbachia Implementation.

TimeSeries DataExtraction Scikit-Learn ARIMA/SARIMA ARIMAX/SARIMAX DecisionTree RandomForest SVR

Distinguishing Data Science vs Data Engineering with NLP

DSI-38 Project 3 – NLP classification and sentiment analysis of comments from a discussion channel, to guide a tech education company's business strategy.

NLP PRAW NLTK LogisticRegression RandomForest NaïveBayes ADABoost SVM

Singapore Housing Price Prediction

DSI-38 Project 2 – Developed a regression model for HDB resale prices based on various features relating to the property. Based on the Singapore Housing Dataset on Kaggle.

Numpy Pandas Matplotlib Seaborn LinearRegression LassoRegression RidgeRegression

Climate and Air Quality

DSI-38 Project 1 – Exploratory Data Analysis on Singapore’s climate data (temperature, rainfall) and its relationship with air pollutants and air quality.

Numpy Pandas Matplotlib Seaborn